Banana and blueberry smoothie

Most of the time my smoothies are created by throwing all the ingredients together and it's not every time that it turns out delicious, well luckily most of the time it has. It's also better for me to keep it written somewhere so I remember the recipe. This is one of them. 

Banana and blueberries smoothie



It's almost summer here in Dublin and the season for fresh berries everywhere, I bought a big pack of fresh blueberries and for now I'm only making smoothies with them and my little boy enjoys eating them fresh.

A simple, tasty and delicious smoothie, perfect for breakfast or as a mind afternoon snack. Loaded with lots of only the good stuff. 

Blueberries and banana smoothie

For this recipe used my brand new Optimum Vac2 Air Vacuum Blender I love it and it has become a very useful gadget in my kitchen, you can read the full review here

I am an ambassador for Buy Wholefoods Online  They are an online health food supplier based in Minster, Ramsgate, North East Kent, they have a wide array of organic, wholesome products and they deliver all over the UK and Europe. By using my affiliate link you can get a special discount. 

Banana and bluberry smoothie

They were kind to send me also a jar of delicious Raw Wild Flower Bulgarian Honey, I have used this to sweeten the smoothie. 

I hope you like it, let me know if you try this and please do remember to use my hashtag #soulfulandhealthy and share it with family and friends. 

Liked what you saw here, please feel free to share it with family and friends. You can find me on Facebook, InstagramTwitter and Pinterest  

Warm hugs





  Banana and blueberry smoothie
Banana and blueberry smoothie
Prep Time: 5 mins
Servings: 1
    • One organic banana 
    • Handful of fresh blueberries 
    • 1 tsp of whole chia seeds 
    • 2 tbsp of organic porridge oats 
    • 1 tbsp Raw Wild Flower Bulgarian Honey 
    • Unsweetened almond milk as per required consistency 
    1. Add all the ingredients into Optimim vac2 Air Vacuum Blender and press the vacuum button and let it do the magic of removing all the air, then press the smoothie pre-set button.
    2. If using any other food processor or blender, make sure all the ingredients are blended well. 



    Disclaimer - I get a small commission when you make a purchase using my exclusive link, with no extra cost to you. I would request and really appreciate it if you would use my affliate link while making a purchase through the  Buy Wholefoods Online . Thank you very much! 

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